♡♪ 窗外正在顫抖努力展放的曇花— photo by agnes Sep 05 09
剛剛與家人吃完晚餐, 打開e-mail 檔看到友人傳來一篇令人非常感動 的影片... 一個失去雙手的堅強樂觀認真的婦女, 怎麼經營自己的生活和家庭, 讓人感動熱淚盈眶... 她安祥平靜的神情, 溫和的臉龐... 讓人覺得她對運命 是如此順服接受, 認真克服困難, 掌握自己的幸福, 駕馭命運而行... 激勵和感動了多少人呢!... ❤❤ 也許你已經看過, 但是我還是想現在。。。馬上PO文 分享之... ❤❤ (如不能轉載 請示之 Tks!!)
♡♡ This is from an e-mail I received, share it with you....
Hi All:
Life is not a highway or my way. Instead, it just a series of favorable
or unfavorable events to test your attitude and determination to handle it.
We are much blessed than this woman. She has not been limited by her
natural born defects. She handles the inconvenience and get through it like
business as usual. She is a brave sol and her spiritual is a role model
for all of us.
I believe we should be able to deal with our short term inconvenience or
difficulty much more easily if we face it and handle it.
Cheer and let's work together.
請務必撥時間看一下 "最了不起的女人"這段影片,你會看到一件奇事,
且令人非常感動! 突然間!你會感覺發生在你我生活上的任何困難,將變得如此
嗨, 大夥們,
生命不是高速公路般順暢也不是我們想怎樣就怎樣. 代之,生命只是一連串幸與
我們比這位女士更為被庇祐祝福多了. 但她卻不被天生的缺陷所限制.處理不便
之處就像處理日常事務一般. 她是一個勇敢的女性, 她的精神更是我們的典範.
我相信我們一定可以更輕易的度過我們短暫的不便和困難, 如果我們堅強勇敢
打起精神讓我們一起努力... DK ❤❤
Amazing Living Without Arms
❤ 請點閱: 一位最了不起的女性