


        A song from heart , Songs from Secrect Garden ♡ 


              每個人內心深處都有一個神祕的花園, 時勢維艱, 但我們可以在花園裡得到

              慰藉和歡樂 , 並也靜靜的思考. – Rolf Lovland


               來自北歐的天籟之音 Songs From Secrect Garden

           外出歸來, 恬靜的午後,

               泡杯咖啡, 閱讀一篇小詩, 讓音樂流洩整個屋內,

               小提琴如訴如泣, 空靈飄渺,

               寧靜深遠, 扣人心弦,.... 

               a song from heart --  Song from a Secret Garden --

              帶著 agnes 情感飄到任何一個回憶的時光,




              偶而浮上腦海...  片段的....


             它是讓 agnes  心靈停泊與飛翔的音樂 CD 之一.

                  有音樂, 有小詩, 隨著合諧悅耳的音樂, 讓思緒空明,

             心情安靜愉快的下午時光…..         agnes wrote on July 21 2009



             請聽: Song from a Secret  Garden -- Piano (非挪威Secrect Graden樂團演奏)



          隨著CD裏 Nocturne 小夜曲旋律, 帶著心情融入這浪漫的詩中吧….


             Thought About You... 

               All day long,
               I thought about you.

               Even when I tried not
               to think about you,
               I thought about you.

               When I closed my eyes,
               I thought about you.    

              When I opened my eyes,
              I thought about you.

              When I thought about
              the beauty of the season,
              I thought about you.   

              When I thought about the
              warmth of the upcoming holidays,
              I thought about you.

              When I heard a love song
              on the radio,
              I thought about you.

              When I checked my email,
              I thought about you.

               Even when I said goodnight
               to the stars,
               I thought about you.  

              And when I slipped beneath
               the softness of my blanket
               and gave in to the bliss
               of sweet dreams,
               I thought about you.

               I just can't stop
               thinking about you.   

                    "Thought About You,"   written and designed by   Bobette Bryan, 2002








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