
大屯山秋芒盛開—photo by agnes

                 ♧ 陽明山秋芒滿開旅記



      上星期五, 十月的最後一天, 我與英文查經老師 Hong Kong

       Grace 和她的香港友人去陽明山賞秋芒.... 


        從事業退下來時, 為了排遣時間, 有一段日子與登山同好登遍了

       台北近郊的山嶺.  哪裡有的美景, 都深刻在腦中. 這次因有兩位

       非常可愛的小孩隨行, 我安排了陽明山上大屯山賞秋芒和蝴蝶

       花廊 山俓漫步...


        所謂秋天... 雲高風清, 碧雲天黃葉地, 秋色連波波上寒煙翠...  

        除了賞山賞樹 賞花賞樹葉賞湖水, 還能賞藍天雲彩....

        秋天山景 真是美! 美不勝收 .....


        大自然美景真是上帝的恩賜, 我們不要辜負了上天的美意,



        以下是我旅記拍攝的美 與各位分享之….  




 青山為雲白頭--agnes                                                 秋芒迎風搖曳--agnes



以下照片展現不同風貌美麗山景  ♡♡Nature is Beauty - God's creation!!! –agnes









  山頂留倩影-- agnes                              彩雲飄飄-- agnes


蝴蝶花廊 山中小徑 -- agnes



山的呼喚, 呼喚著我…-- agnes


尋著你的腳步  我來了---agnes


著熟悉的青苔小徑 我來到山中 -- agnes


 又見楓紅 無計留春住 -- agnes



 綠池落盡紅蕖卻,荷葉猶開最小錢--photo by agnes



後記  Letter from Grace:


           Dear Agnes,


            Peace and joy from our Lord, Jesus Christ, be with

            you and your family.


            I just want to say "Thank You" again for your hospitality. 

            Thank you for taking me and my friends to the mountain

            and giving us a nice treat.  Thank you again and again!!


            In Christ,



  Letter to Grace:


       ♥Hi dear Grace,


         I am glad that you and your friends  enjoy the trip of


         Yang Ming Mountain , I am so happy that the day was


         sunny and the view was so beautiful. Please pass the attached 


         photos to your friends.


         Many blessings....




          讓我驚艷駐足的嬌嫩小樹--a new life--  photo by agnes



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