♪基隆河濱風光遠眺101— photo by agnes Feb17 2010
昨天收到好友 Jean 寄來的賀卡, 感謝過去我曾經的幫忙, 促成她們夫婦
去維也納朋友那兒住了一個月, 渡過ㄧ個人生中非常難忘時光和最甜蜜的
雖然這件事已經是五年前的往事, 但是這位友人還是念念不忘常常提起.
朋友之間互相扶持 重要就是真誠與感恩 愛的傳遞....
如同我在波士頓認識的友人Linda, 她對朋友的熱忱與關心, 我覺得人生
能遇到她感到很溫暖. 今天她傳來一封e-mail 內容生動觸心. 很想分享給
大家 祝福朋友們 天天有友愛的關懷與溫暖....
♡♡ ♡♡ ♡♡ ♡♡ ♡♡ ♡♡ ♡♡ ♡♡ ♡♡ ♡♡
♪♡ 分享....
Happy Valentines Day------ belated
I had an X-ray done today, and they found you in my heart.
The Doctor said if they took you out, I would die, because
I could not live without you as a friend, or e-mail buddy!!!
今天我做了一個 X 光照射, 他們發現你在我心裡.
因為作為我的個朋友或電子郵件夥伴, 我不能沒有你而活下去.
Give this heart to everyone you don't want to lose in '2010 including
me if you care. Try to collect 12; it's not easy!
如果你在意, 請把這顆心傳這給在2010你不想失去的人包括我.
這不容易, 但請嘗試收集12顆心.
Friends are like ballooms,
If you let them go
You can’t get them back,
So I’m gonna tie you to my heart,
So I will never lose you...
YOU HAVE 20 MINUTES TO TELL 6 FRIENDS that they are important to you (INCLUDING ME). TOMORROW IS NOT PROMISED. SO , cherish your friends! GO!