美麗的大屯山景- agnes攝
好文欣賞---The Giving Kind
最近政治經濟氣氛不佳, 人們生活不怎麼開心..... 但是週遭的朋友裡, 我還是看到了許多人與人之間的溫馨關懷與慈悲的精神. 她們無我的佈施與不計得失的奉獻, 巾幗不讓鬚眉, 真正去關懷許多不被注意到的弱者, 發揮人溺己溺的愛心, 讓台灣人在惡劣環境裡還是存在著一股堅毅的力量努力向前行....
只要我們社會的每個角落存在著這些默默行善的人, 不多言, 認真踏實的工作, 努力奮鬥, 創造生機..... 把自己的成就分享弱者, 這些愛心將像種子一樣隨風散播各地開花結果…..
Do a deed of simple kindness;
Though its end you may not see,
It will reach like widening repples
Down a long eternity. ---Anon
眺望觀音山--agnes 攝
前天和幾位朋友吃飯, 她們看到我在部落格的文章-- 米勒畫展參觀記--裡提到一篇短文The Giving Kind, 想要我影印給她們….
這是我每星期一次去參加一個英文讀經班上課的文章, 內容提到人性的慈悲與憐憫. 本著聖經裡耶穌的教導, 施捨的時候要在暗中默默的行, 不要左手知道右手所做的, 虛心憐恤 ,真正做到愛人如己.....
我把它打字出來如下, 與大家分享…. ♪
觀音山遠處清晰可見--agnes 攝
The Giving Kind
At one end of the truck terminal where H.H. Lee worked years ago was a coal company. Nearby was a railroad, and each day several freight trains passed by. Lee often noticed that the owner of the company, who was a Christian, threw chunks of coal over the fence at various places along the track. One day he asked the man why he did this.
The man replied, “An elderly woman lives across the street, and I know that her pension is inadequate to buy enough coal. After the trains go by, she walks along and picks up the pieces she thinks have fallen from the coal car behind the engine. She doesn’t realize that diesels have replaced steam locomotives. I don’t want to disappoint her, so I just throw some pieces over the fence.”
蜿蜒河流滋潤大地家園--agnes 攝
That’s Christianity in action! The book of Ruth vividly portrays this principle of giving. When Boaz saw Ruth gathering grain behind the reapers in his field, he commanded them to leave some handfuls of grain for her. To her, this was a blessing from the Lord.
秋芒綻放--agnes 攝
In the same way, the people whose lives we touch need to experience God’s love though our compassion and generosity. That’s why we should ask God to make us aware of opportunities to show kindness. --- Henry B. Bosch
Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.
的確一個慈悲祥和的社會, 人人認真努力開創新機 , 國家必定會富足強盛起來的…….
美麗的大屯山--海天一線 agnes攝